Sierra Club Long Island Group Environmentalist of the Year
1982 - Tom Downey, US Congressman
1983 - Bob Abrams, NY State Attorney General
1984 - David Harris, Suffolk County Health Commissioner
1985 - May Newburger, NY State Assemblywoman
1986 - Lew Yevoli, NY State Assemblyman
1987 - Bob Mrazek, US Congressman
1987 - John Turner, LI Pine Barrens Society
1988 - Myron Blumenfeld, Residents for a More Beautiful Port Washington
1989 - Carole Neidich Ryder, Senior Curator of Life Science of Nassau County
1989 - Steve Englebright, Suffolk County Legislator
1990 - Nancy Manfredonia, LI Greenbelt Trail Conference
1991 - Steve Romalewski, NYPIRG
1992 - Betty Blake, Wantagh Woods Civic Association
1992 - Fred Thiele, Southampton Supervisor
1993 - Richard Amper, LI Pine Barrens Society
1994 - Nora Bredes, Suffolk County Legislator
1994 - Jeff Fullmer, Citizens Campaign for the Environment & So. Shore Estuary Reserve
1995 - Tom DiNapoli, NY State assemblyman
1996 - Geri Barish, One in Nine Breast Cancer Action Coalition
1997 - Neal Lewis, LI Neighborhood Network
1998 - Richard Schary, Greenbelt Trail Conference & Kings Park Study Group
1999 - Joe Lorintz, Society for the Preservation of Underhill
2000 - Adrienne Esposito, Citizens Campaign for the Environment
2000 - Laura Weinberg, North Hempstead Ecological Commission
2000 - Patti Wood, PortCap
2001 - Jon Cooper, Suffolk County Legislator
2002 - Kathleen Whitely, Sustainable Energy Alliance LI
2003 - Sarah Meyland, Citizens Campaign for the Environment
2004 - Chris Castro, Solar Festival & Solar Cafe
2005 - Craig Kessler, Ducks Unlimited
2006 - Kevin McAllister, Peconic Baykeeper
2007 - Steve Israel, US Congressman
2008 - Steven Bellone, Supervisor Town of Babylon
2009 - Rob Weltner , Operation Splash
2010 - Susan Harder, Dark Sky
2011 - Robert Sweeney, NYS Assemblyman
2012 - Gordian Raache, reLI Renewable Energy LI (President works on energy matters)
2013 - Maria Brown, School teacher, biologist
2013 - Eileen Gerle, Environmental Educator
2014 - Sonia Black/Lucas Sanchez for NY Community for Change (Suffolk Chapter Environmental Justice)
2015 - Dr. Heidi Hutner, Director of Sustainability Studies at Stony Brook U.
2016 - Elizabeth Fiteni, founder of Green Inside and Out
2016 - George Povall, founder of All Our Energy
2017 - Karl Grossman, environmental journalist
2018 - Peter Maniscalco, posthumously environmental activist
2019 - Mike Bottini, Naturalist and outdoor educator
2020 - Eric Powers, co-founder of CEED Center for Environmental Education and Discovery
2021 - Robert DiGiovanni, Jr., marine biologist founded Atlantic Marine Conservation Society
2022 - Louise Harrison, Save the Great South Bay