Media of Environmental Interest
Found in libraries, stores, on websites, YouTube, live-stream services, and other media, a short list of media enjoyed by Long Island Sierra Club members is provided below. Educational, beautifully produced, and empowering!

The Biggest Little Farm
Call of the Forest: The Forgotten Wisdom of Trees
About: a global journey and exploration of scientist and acclaimed author Diana Beresford-Kroeger as she investigates our deep biological and spiritual connection to forests, as well as the science, folklore, and restoration challenges of this essential ecosystem.
Documentarian: Diana Beresford-Kroeger
Chasing Coral
About: scientists' discovery of the reasons for the decay of Aruba’s coral reefs.
Documentarians: Jeff Orlowski and Larissa Rhodes
An Inconvenient Truth Sequel: Truth to Power: Your Action Handbook to Learn the Science, Find Your Voice, and Help Solve the Climate Crisis
About: progress made and Al Gore's continuing efforts to educate people about global warming and climate change.
Documentarian: Al Gore
Kiss the Ground
About: how the planet’s soils could be the key to reversing global warming.
Documentarians: Josh and Rebecca Tickell
Living Downstream
About: a woman’s personal journey and scientific exploration as well as a reminder of the nexus between the health of our bodies and that of our air, land, and water.
Documentarian: Chanda Chevannes
My Octopus Teacher
About: a filmmaker who forges a loving friendship with an octopus living in a South African kelp forest as he follows the intelligent animal on her daily activities.
Documentarian: Craig Foster
The Race to Save the World
About: the significant risks that people, young to old, are taking to reverse the downward trajectory of climate change and save the planet from fossil fuel interests.
Documentarian: Joe Gantz
The River and the Wall
About: five friends who journey along the Rio Grande and the US/ Mexico border to explore the environmental and social effects of a border wall and how people can build bridges of friendship despite gaps in language, culture and politics when their survival depends on it.
Documentarian: Hillary Pierce
An Inconvenient Truth Sequel: Truth to Power: Your Action Handbook to Learn the Science, Find Your Voice, and Help Solve the Climate Crisis
About: progress made and Al Gore's continuing efforts to educate people about global warming and climate change.
Author: Al Gore
Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming
About: 100 solutions (practices and technologies) to reverse global warming, based on research by the world's top scientists and policymakers.
Editor: Paul Hawken
Full Body Burden: Growing Up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats
About: Kristen Iversen's riveting true story of growing up near the Rocky Flats nuclear weapons facility, strange cancers that afflicted her neighbors, her employment at Rocky Flats, and the efforts of residents to achieve legal justice.
Author: Kristen Iversen.
Monster in the Water: Fighting Back Against Harmful Algal Blooms
About: kids living in the fictional town of Seaville who are surprised to find their beach closed by a "a monster" (harmful algae) in the water. With the help of a scientist, they learn what they can do to defeat it. Written for kids by a sixteen-year-old environmentalist. (Release: Summer 2021)
Author: Dylan D'Agate
Illustrator: Maria Deicer
Nature's Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard
About: planting native plants to conserve wildlife and ecosystems, a kind of blueprint to saving the environment and the planet. This is an expanded version of his previous book, Bringing Nature Home.
Author: Douglas W. Tallamy
On the Bay
About: the history of Long Island's bay houses, "small vernacular structures originally built by baymen for shelter while they harvested clams, oysters, scallops, and killies for their livelihood," per the book's author. Bay houses are seen along the parkways over the Great South Bay system.
Authors: Nancy Solomon with Paul Bentel and Martha Cooper
The River and the Wall
About: five friends who journey along the Rio Grande and the US/ Mexico border to explore the environmental and social effects of a border wall and how people can build bridges of friendship despite gaps in language, culture and politics when their survival depends on it.
Author: Ben Masters