Videos (new ones are below)
West Brook Pond
For the protecting of our saltwater marsh, to enhance coastal resiliency in times of severe weather, and for healthy coastal ecosystems we need to ban the blanket spraying of methoprene. Support A6366 and S4314. Call your local representative.
Frank Piccininni addresses restoration ecology in reference to the West Brook Dam. The dam, located just south of Bayard Cutting Arboretum, failed last year and now the emphasis is to let the several acres space heal to “sequester carbon to mitigate climate change, help with the prevention of storm water runoff and to create wildlife habitat.” Frank calls for “monitoring explicit effectiveness of intervention” and for “local government to develop incentives to encourage adaptive science and restoration ecology.” See also letter to George Gorman, Regional Director of NYS Office and Parks and Recreation- Long Island Region located on the Seatuck.org site.
Produced & Directed by Douglas Morrow D.A.M. Video Inc. Copyright 2020
Dr. Sarah Meyland
Protect Our Aquifer Day
Sarah J. Meyland, MS. J.D., is a water specialist with a background in groundwater protection, water resources management, and environmental law. She is an associate professor in the Department of Environmental Technology and Sustainability, NYIT College of Engineering and Computing Sciences. Meyland has worked in New York government as the co-executive director of the NYS Legislative Commission on Water Resource Needs of Long Island. She was the watershed director for the Suffolk County Water Authority, and the program coordinator for the Nassau County Planning Federation.
Produced and Directed by Douglas Morrow D.A.M. Video Inc. Copyright 2019
Program Agendas for May 3rd 2018 Protect Our Aquifer Day
Full Video transcripts go to www.waterforlongisland.org
9:30 – 10:05 Water Rights and New York’s New Water Withdrawal Permitting Law Rachel Treichler, Esq.
10:05 – 10:40 Preliminary Analysis of Saltwater Intrusion at Selected Long Island Locations Using Surface and Borehole Geophysical Methods Dr. Frederick Stumm, Research Hydrologist, USGS
11:00 – 11:35 USGS Surface and Groundwater Monitoring Amy Simonson, Hydrologist, USGS
11:35 – 12:10 pm Update on Unregulated Contaminants: 1,4 Dioxane and PFAS Christina Touhy, PE, Arcadis
12:10 – 1:15 pm PANEL DISCUSSION: Presenters plus invited guests:
Honorable Steve Englebright; Honorable Sarah Anker; and
Honorable Edward Romaine
Produced & Directed by Douglas A. Morrow D.A.M. Video Inc
Marshall Brown
Kevin McAllister
Marshall Brown - Executive Director of Save the Great South Bay talks about three simple thoughts and actions the organization is committed to.
Produced and Directed by Douglas Morrow D.A.M. Video Inc. Copyright 2019
Scientists present thoughts and actions about what they are doing, what needs to be done and things you can do to help coastal resiliency.
Produced and directed by Douglas Morrow - D.A.M. Video Inc. Copyright 2019
Dr. Russell Burke
Alewife Migration
Dr. Russell Burke - Professor of Biology at Hofstra University talks about three simple thoughts and actions the organization is committed to.
Produced and Directed by Douglas Morrow D.A.M. Video Inc. Copyright 2019
Hempstead Lake Park
The Alewife is a fish that moves from salt water to fresh water to spawn. They then return back to salt water. These fish are an indicator of our fragile ecosystem within our local environment. Fish migration is correlated to Coastal Resiliency.
For more information
Video Produced and Directed by Douglas Morrow for D.A.M. Video Inc. Copyright 2018
World Fish Migration Day
Solving Plastic Pollution
"The decline of diadromous fish (striped bass, Atlantic sturgeon, American shad, Alewife and Blueback Herring, American Eel, Brook Trout) has a major impact on the health of our coastal ecosystem, as these fish play a vital role in transferring ocean energy into estuarine, freshwater and upland habitats, and provide indispensable forage for countless other species. It is no exaggeration to say that they help to drive Long Island's entire coastal food web. Rebuilding their populations across the region is a critical component in restoring the hearth of our estuaries."
For more information
The next WFMD will be 2020 and hopefully
the Fish Ladder for the Woodhull Dam will be complete.
Video Produced and Directed by Douglas Morrow for D.A.M. Video Inc. Copyright 2018
Solutions to tackle plastic pollution are within reach so we can avoid a future in which there are more plastic than fish in our oceans. Sir David Attenborough supports a circular economy for plastic, in which we eliminate the plastic we don’t need, innovate so all the plastic we do need is designed to be safely reused, recycled, or composted and circulate everything we use so the material stays in the economy and never becomes waste or pollution.
Find out what the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's work to enable the transition toward a circular economy for plastic here: emf.org/plastics
Learn more about the circular economy for plastic here: https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation....
Dylan Interviews Dr. Sarah Meyland
It is more vital than ever before that we take control of our water and ensure that future generations continue to have enough water for their needs when we are gone. We need to make sure that we use our groundwater very carefully and frugally. Water is more precious than diamonds. Water is life. It sustains us and without it, we cannot continue to live, forget thrive, as a species. You can learn more about what you can do by visiting Dylan's Earth Blogger post here.